Volunteers Testimonials

NAME: Caroline Francis Mollel

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Medical Doctor

I have had an opportunity to work with Tanzania Better Health for a period of two months, an experience which has forever changed the way I view my medical carrier and practice. Throughout the different outreach programs I have been able to participate in different parts of Dar es Salaam. It has opened my eyes to see a need of primary prevention in our communities since most of our patients are not well informed about their health and therefore present in health care facilities at a very late stage of their illnesses. Having had to combine my passion for teaching in providing mass education to inspire people of different age groups has been quite rewarding knowing that the small areas we are covering are really making an impact in our societies .This opportunity has also connected me to a wonderful team of people who have become my family.



NAME: Abel Charles

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Health Laboratory Scientific Officer

I was naturally drawn to the medical field because of my early exposure to health implications faced by my family members. Although my short sting in biology would not lead to a career in cancer cures, I went back to the drawing board and decided that I do not have to sacrifice my passion of providing quality and affordable healthcare to all citizens. As a caregiver for my brother suffering from asthma; my passion to create and sustain outstanding health care services began to take form. The affordability and quality of health care that my family and I receive is something that I have always taken for granted, as every person should have the right to the highest standard of physical and mental health. It is my goal as laboratory scientist to make a significant contribution to the health of citizens in my community through effective management, clinical operations and delivery of health care services.

NAME: Theresia B. Ugumba

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Clinical Officer

My name is Theresia Bernard Ugumba, 22yrs old. It is not easy to find words to describe what I have experienced while volunteering at Tanzania Better Health. Initially I started volunteering during my clinical rotation as a medical student, my free time by working in hospitals assisting doctors, nurses and patients while gaining valuable medical experience. I had opportunities also to volunteer at one of the centres helping children living in difficult conditions. I was really touched to see how happy they are, which reminded me that “A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.” The volunteering program has made me, re-evaluate my purpose and need to life, know value of life and being thankful on whatever small things I have. Also made me gain true inner happiness and peace. With that I devote myself to make a world a better place.

NAME: Emanuel Maeda

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Clinical Officer

Volunteering brings happiness to the unhappy society. I have been volunteering in serving the community under Tanzania Better Health (TBH) since the year 2020. As a clinician I have been able to serve underprivileged children at Mikocheni in Dar es Salaam as well as a participating in the medical outreach to the general community at Mnazi mmoja in Dar es Salaam and to women and children at Kibaha in Pwani. Through the services provided we realized several health issues affecting the community. Through TBH we restore the lost happiness in our community and it is my joy to see the community with good health


NAME: Anamaria G. karumbo

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Clinical Officer

My name is   Anamaria  G.  Karumbo. I’m 25 year old from Dar es salaam, Tanzania. My first program to  volunteer at Tanzania Better Health was a health screening program to vulnerable children conducted at Mikocheni in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I was able to participate in different activities such as taking vitals and anthropometric measurements. Children enjoyed the friendly services we provided and they have been interested and attracted to the Tanzania Better Health (TBH) activities. Through volunteering at Tanzania Better Health I am learning and gaining knowledge, ideas and experiences. I’m very glad that I decided to volunteer at Tanzania Better Health.




NAME: Innocent H. Peter

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Medical Doctor

As a medical doctor, my passion is to help and serve people. Tanzania Better Health (TBH) has provided me with platform where I can use my skills and abilities to help those who are in need. Here we have had several outreaches where my skills and abilities and knowledge have been put into use. One of the projects I enjoyed most is the health screening outreach for children and adolescents from underprivileged background. We are looking forward to reaching more and more in our community in the future. TBH has an amazing team that always makes you feel at a right place. TBH is a wonderful organization to volunteer.





NAME: Mbelwa D. Bitesigilwe

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Medical Doctor and Radiologist

As a volunteer, I have had the privilege of working with Tanzania Better Health during two outreach programs. During the programs I performed comprehensive ultrasound scans for pregnant women and male geriatric patients on benign prostate hypertrophy. It also included health education provision. In both of these projects, I was fortunate to network with the brilliant volunteers and supervisors. I was able to learn from the volunteers and their dedication to providing service was impressive. I would highly recommend this program to everyone and anyone looking to make a difference.




NAME: Bilal Bakari Fonga

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Clinical Officer

I am  Bilal Bakari Fonga from Dar es salaam, Tanzania, a volunteer at TBH. I have volunteered for several months. Volunteering has never been easy. Challenges, joy, love, working experience and group working have been part of my undertaking. Smiling faces of vulnerable children served have been creating happiest moment during my volunteering. Leaders of TBH and other volunteers have made me gain wonderful experience in healthcare provision as a Doctor. I have liked volunteering and hence I would prefer to participate in more volunteering projects. Thank you Tanzania Better Health!

NAME: Shedrack   Lyelu

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Information Technologist (IT)

 My name is Shedrack Lyelu, I am a student pursuing Diploma in Information Technology at Dar es salaam Institute of Technology (DIT). The skills, knowledge and experience obtained from the college has resulted for desire and commitment to help the community members. Caring and supporting people it has been a part of my life and I am inspired to engage in volunteering to help those in need. Today, I am honored to work with Tanzania Better Health (TBH) as a volunteer assisting in information technology matters particularly in data entry and website designing. Through working with TBH, I am realizing the true meaning of caring and supporting the community especially through the provision of the better health services.

NAME: Caroline Zablon

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION: Medical Student

 My name is Caroline Zablon, I have been volunteering at Tanzania Better Health (TBH) since last year around June. At first I had no idea how volunteering feels like until when I heard a lot from a friend who had a volunteering experience! I was so excited whenever I heard that we are going to conduct a health program, I did it with passion since serving the society is what am dreaming of! So far I was able to participate I different projects. A health checkup at the children center at Mikocheni these were an amazing moments ever since I was able to interact with both age groups (boys and girls). I took my little time to talk with the adolescent girls concerning different changes that occur in their bodies during puberty especially on menstrual hygiene and early unwanted pregnancies. All I can say is that, from a personal perspective the chance to volunteer proved to be an excellent way of applying my skills to benefit a great cause whilst at the same time gaining some valuable experiences. Thanks to my wonderful team from Tanzania Better Health (TBH), you have truly inspired me to be a better person.

NAME: Andrew Mwambe

ORIGIN: Tanzanian

POSITION:Digital Marketing Associate

Being a volunteer at Tanzania Better Health (TBH) as a Digital Marketing Associate has been a really great experience! Digital marketing and marketing in general can be ‘severe screams in pain’, but everything works out superb! ever since I joined the organization. I’m glad to be part of the TBH team, it really showed me what teamwork can really do in magic in the community.

TBH Hooray!!!.